Tuesday 22 May 2012

Have a Heart

I have a big heart - or so I like to think. I give to charity, get "tired tears" at things on the telly and quite often I cant even watch the news as it upsets me so and pulls on the old strings. I still sometimes find myself doodling I Red heart the husband (ofcourse!!)
I love hearts and all they stand for.
So over the past few years when going in and out of handmade shows & gifts shops and shopping around online, I have found myself purchasing many many decorative varieties of the heart: smelly ones, glittery ones big ones, small ones. They almost over took cushions as the husbands pet hate at one point as they hung pretily off every door knob and chair back he came across.
Again at the most recent fayre LionandtheHorse attended hearts were to be seen on almost every stand - I include ours here we are guilty as charged! Surely the time has now come for something new?!
It can still sparkle or smell, be large and bold or small enough to adorn whatever sticky outty bit of furniture takes your fancy, but just let it not be...well quite so heart shaped!!
So the next stop for LionandtheHorse will be the Kenilworth Handmade outdoor market on 4th July between now and then the cogs will be whirling in both mine and the mothers head whilst we work hard to find the next best thing............any ideas welcome!

Sunday 20 May 2012

A Big "IF"

So here it is........after a long period of wondering "shall I?" or "shan't I?" I have.

I am going to give it a go this business of up-cycling furniture making delicious treats and offering gorgeous gifts, I am going to dedicate my time and efforts, rope in the mother (she COOKS, I mess about with a spoon and some ill related ingredients) and really go for it.

I finally have answers for the school careers advisor: I know what I want to be when I grow up, where I see myself in 5 years’ time and what my priorities are (apart from that 1st glass of wine once the baby is in bed). I have a plan - ish of where I would like to take things, how I want things to look and what style I would like to develop. I have passion for it in the bucket loads and ideas I wish to explore. I am driven by these desires and by a nagging urge to make some money before I die.

But it is not as simple as this now a days is it? You need to be able to use this entire social media. To understand the importance of SEO and liking and linking and blogging and blagging..............and this my friends is where I fall down!!!

Wish me luck because IF I can overcome my total ignorance and lack of understanding of all of this I promise I will do my best to be engaging, to create things people will like to see and own, to share ideas and thoughts, tastes and desires.

Right now it feels like a big "IF"